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Table 4 Median and 95% Credible Interval (CI) of the estimates of the time when selection started

From: Contrasting signals of positive selection in genes involved in human skin-color variation from tests based on SNP scans and resequencing


Population under positive selectiona

Time of selection (95% CI)

σ (95% CI)

h(95% CI)



50,250 (13,500 to 97,250)

361.94 (55.6 to 984.79)

1.70 (0.71 to 4.28)


Europe,b East Asia

45,875 (12,750 to 95,006)

383.42 (36.07 to 992.04)

2.04 (0.78 to 4.56)


Europe,b East Asiab

46,000 (11,750 to 93,269)

385.49 (37.68 to 1036.32)

2.01 (0.74 to 4.41)


East Asiab

48,500 (11,250 to 97,006)

789.24 (55.21 to 1584.98)

1.90 (0.67 to 4.11)



27,500 (10,500 to 73,294)

676.53 (127.73 to 1026.06)

1.10 (0.53 to 2.60)

Neutral simulation


44,875 (12500 to 95,756.25)

593.18 (47.99 to 1086.22)

1.69 (0.56 to 3.97)

  1. aThe table shows the selection parameter σ (defined as 4 × Ne × s, where Ne is the harmonic mean of the effective population size through time) and overdominance parameter h computed for each population that has been suggested as being under selective pressures in the genes that have been sequenced, data from Soejima et al. [30] for SLC45A2, known to be under selective pressure in Europeans (see Methods), and 5 kb produced under a neutral out-of-Africa model (s = 0, h = 0).
  2. aFrom Lao et al. 2007. Prior distributions (without scaling) were truncated normal (mean ± sd 1810 ± 800 generations, range 400 to 4000) for the time of selection, truncated normal (mean ± sd -4 ± 3, range -4 to 2) for s in logit form, and truncated normal (mean ± sd 1 ± 1, range 0.5 to 6) for h. In total, 2,000 simulations were performed for each gene using as a prior distribution of the demographic parameters the median value of the posterior distributions obtained from the 50 loci (see Methods). A burn-in of 1,000 simulations was used.
  3. bPopulation where the selective pressure was simulated.