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Archived Comments for: Metagenomic analyses of bacteria on human hairs: a qualitative assessment for applications in forensic science

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  1. Erratum in citations

    Silvana TRIDICO, Murdoch Univeristy, Perth, Western Australia

    14 January 2015

    Page 4. column 1, Murray et al (21) should read Murray et al (23) in which the correct citation is listed below

    23        Murray DC, Bunce M, Cannell BL, Oliver R, Houston J, White NE, Barrero RA, Bellgard MI, Haile J: DNA-Based Faecal Dietary Analysis: A Comparison of qPCR and High Throughput Sequencing Approaches. PLoS ONE 2011, 6:e25776.

     The second Murray et al citation (cited as 23) in this column should be considered as citation 23A, in order to ensure subsequent citations correctly align with in-house citation reference numbers.

    23A     Murray DC, Haile J, Dortch J, White NE, Haouchar D, Bellgard MI, Allcock RJ, Prideaux GJ, Bunce M: Scrapheap Challenge: A novel bulk-bone metabarcoding method to investigate ancient DNA in faunal assemblages. Scientific reports 2013, 3.

    The remaining citations in the article are accurate.

    Sincerest apologies for any incovenience.

    Competing interests

    None declared
